Adopting data-driven retail strategies to improve member experience
For far too long, the health insurance industry has been in the shadows of consumer-focused sectors like retail, known for crafting seamless customer journeys.
Leading retailers have used data to understand customer segments for years and employ those insights to decide how consumers are served through personalization, speed, and convenience.
Insurers and the health economy are woefully behind in adopting such data-driven practices to orchestrate meaningful member experiences. And sure, payers have their fair share of regulatory realities that make retailers’ splashy engagement methods not wholly applicable.
But in the age of seamless experiences and as Medicare Advantage plan options grow, payers have more opportunity and motivation to extract from big box stores and other consumer brands that have made extraordinary service more ordinary.
With this audience growing in priority but continuing to elude health insurance providers’ campaigns, retailers’ inventive playbooks may have much more to offer than payers think.
This panel discussion will help you understand how meeting a new level of expectations has become a critical success factor for health insurance providers in their efforts to engage and retain members.
What you'll learn from this replay:
- 2024 Star Ratings impact and how to prepare now for future years
- Why traditional approaches to member outreach are not effective and what retail gets right
- How to speed up intervention with a prioritized and personalized member-centric approach – targeting the members who will “move the needle” on drug adherence
- Star ratings or close a costly gap in care

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