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Health Strategy Scorecard: Empowering Employers

Assess your organization’s health strategy with our scorecard to help identify strengths, weaknesses and improve opportunities. 

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Health Strategy Scorecard

Complete the health strategy scorecard for a free, rapid evaluation of your organization's employee health and wellbeing strategy. Upon completion, you will receive an automated report, which highlights your organization's strengths and opportunities.

Top problems we want to help you solve

Low Employee Engagement

Problem: When employees don’t feel supported in their health and wellbeing journey, they can become disengaged, decreasing productivity and impacting the overall company culture. 

Solution: We partner with you to gauge the current level of employee engagement, then suggest tailored solutions to rev it up. Think wellness programs, recognition tools, and improved communication features. Plus, we sprinkle in some incentives to keep those engagement levels soaring high!  

Embracing Change and Charting Growth

Problem: Sometimes, getting folks on board with new processes or tech is a bit of a challenge. Plus, many organizations feel a bit lost on their journey to growth. 

Solution: Our team takes the insights you provide to suggest change strategies and innovative Virgin Pulse solutions to ease you into the next step of growth. It's like having a roadmap in your hands, showing step-by-step how Virgin Pulse's products can guide you toward your dream company culture and goals. 

Change Management Challenges

Problem: At times, leadership teams might be a bit hesitant to shake things up. Ultimately, they do want to retain top talent and create an organizational culture that positively impacts their employees' health and wellbeing as well as organizational success.  

Solution: Our health strategy scorecard along with our sales team offer change strategies that help organizations sail through resistance. It's not just about theory – we share success stories and practical tips to boost confidence in the changes we propose.  

Lack of Customization

Problem: Sometimes, organizations need a tailored approach to fit their unique processes and challenges. 

Solution: The guidance from our team and health strategy scorecard is all about personalization, considering the specific context and needs of each organization. We then recommend customized solutions aligned with your goals and constraints. 

Underutilization of Benefits

Problem: Employees might not be fully tapping into the available benefits, such as health screening options and more.  

Solution: Our team dives into benefit utilization, suggesting Virgin Pulse solutions that enhance communication, education, and navigation. The goal? Maximizing employee engagement with these offerings. 

Limited Visibility into Health and Wellbeing

Problem: Organizations might struggle to get the full picture of their workforce's health and wellbeing, especially mental health. 

Solution: Our dynamic duo, the health strategy scorecard and our sales team, assesses your current state of health initiatives. We partner with you to recommend Virgin Pulse solutions for insights, tracking, and support. The aim? To elevate the overall health and wellbeing of every employee. 


Quickly assess your organization's employee health and wellbeing strategy with our scorecard.  

Health Strategy Scorecard FAQs

1. How long does the health strategy scorecard process typically take?

Most get through the assessment in 10 minutes. Our process is designed to be efficient yet thorough.  

2. How do I know if the health strategy scorecard is for me?

If you're into boosting employee health and wellbeing, enhancing engagement, and steering your organization towards a healthier future, then this scorecard is definitely for you! Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up, our scorecard is your guide on the path to organizational greatness. Ready for a journey that puts your organization's wellbeing in the spotlight? Let's do this together!  

3. What kind of insights can I expect once I complete the health strategy scorecard?

Our scorecard shows where you are now but also offers a sneak peek into your future. It's like getting a backstage pass to see how your organization could thrive as you embrace these change management tactics, solution suggestions and more. 

4. Which solutions are recommended for organizations starting their journey towards process maturity?

Start with the basics that fit your needs and goals. The scorecard pinpoints these foundational solutions, giving you a roadmap for a smooth takeoff on your journey to build a mature employee health and wellbeing strategy  

5. Why should our organization consider a health strategy scorecard?

Think of the scorecard as your wellbeing roadmap. It's like having a friendly guide that pinpoints where you're rocking it and where there's room for improvement. It's all about making your workplace healthier, happier, and more engaging– keep your employees at the forefront of your reason for change. 

6. Is there a specific time or phase in our organizational growth when this scorecard is most beneficial?

Whether you're a startup or a seasoned pro, this assessment is your wellbeing guide. It's there to help you kick off fresh initiatives or fine-tune existing ones, no matter where you are in your journey to engage and empower employees to be their healthiest. We recommend speaking with an expert on our sales team to help guide you through next steps.  

7. Do we need specialized knowledge or resources to implement the recommendations from the scorecard?

The scorecard is crafted to provide recommendations that are practical and doable. Once complete, an expert from our sales team will reach out to talk through your scorecard results and provide additional resources and recommendations based on your unique goals and needs.  

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Using our comprehensive framework, we evaluate your health and wellbeing strategy across three pillars and 12 sub-dimensions. This process provides a  view of your employee health goals, ensuring thorough understanding and identifying avenues for advancement. 

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Discover more about your organization's strategy, process and performance along with how to improve it with our health strategy scorecard.

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